Measuring Growth

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Parent’s Corner- November 13, 2022

“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.”  Luke 2:52

Children grow.  Overnight sometimes.  In my house, it always seemed to happen on Saturday night, right before the long pants had to be worn on Sunday!  When my kids went to camp, they seemed to grow inches in the weeks they were gone!  

Growth is not always measured in inches, but often in mature responses, insightful comments, control of temper, and understanding of concepts.  Growth is also illustrated in demonstrating a knowledge that the world does not revolve around the individual, but that the individual is a part of God’s larger and perfect plan.  How wonderful it is to see such growth deepen and develop right before our eyes!

I pray that as you teach your children at home, and as they study further at church, and as you follow up with what they have learned at home, that they too might follow the example of Jesus, and grow not only in inches, but also in measurable wisdom.

This Week in Sunday School. . . 

2/3s- A Little Jar of Oil- The Story of Elisha and the Widow

Scripture- 1 Samuel 17

Lesson Truth- God is powerful.

Aims for the Children- to do at least one of the following during this lesson:

  1. Tell who helped David fight the giant

  2. Express confidence in god’s care and power

  3. Retell the Story

4s-5th Grade- Israel Rejects God’s Plan

Scripture- Numbers 13-14

Principle- God’s plans are always best.

Ask Your Child- What kind of report did the spies bring back?

Apply- By trusting that God’s plans are best.

This Week- As a family, read Numbers 13-14

Next Week-  Numbers 16

Children’s Church- God is glorified by protecting Judah

Scripture-   2 Kings 18:1-19:37

Principle-  God will always glorify His name.

Ask Your Child-  How did God answer Hezekiah’s prayer?

Apply- By repenting of not glorifying God in words and actions.

This Week- 2 Kings 18:1-19:37

Next Week-  2 Kings 21:1–18; 24:1–25:30