The Audible Eye Roll

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Parent’s Corner- September 25, 2022

“Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what he has done for my soul.”  

Psalm 66:16

The audible eye roll.  If you are a parent, you know what I am talking about.  It is the rolling of the eyes of a child when he feels he can no longer bear the weight of hearing the story being told for the “millionth” time.  It is often accompanied by an exacerbated sigh, sometimes even enhanced by a noise verging on a groan.  

As much as they might protest, I believe our children really love hearing stories of their past and our history, especially the ways in which the Lord has worked in our lives.  These are some of my favorite parenting moments. . . the times when I am able to tell my children how the Lord has worked in my life, how He brought me through hardship, how He  strengthened and encouraged me, and how He provided for my needs.  These are the stories our children need to hear.  Not only can they be encouraged by them, but their faith can be more firmly grounded by practical examples of the ways the Lord has worked in the lives of those they love.  The same is true for Bible stories that might seem very familiar, but never fail to demonstrate God’s power and might.  The minds of children are always growing and developing, so one of these days, they will hear the story with a new level of understanding of the Lord and His might and power.

So, tell the story.  Tell it again.  Repeat it if necessary.  It’s your right and privilege, as well as your duty and responsibility to encourage and teach your children.  And, if the moment is right, let them see your version of the audible eye roll.   Laughter can be a great parenting tool as well!

This Week in Sunday School. . . 

2s/3s- The Story of Moses and the Red Sea

Scripture- Exodus 14-15

Lesson Truth- God is powerful!

Aims for the Children- to do at least one of the following during this lesson:

  • Act out the Bible story

  • Thank God for His power

4s-5th Grade- God Punishes Israel’s Idolatry

Scripture- Exodus 32

Principle- God is merciful and patient..

Ask Your Child- How did God show mercy to the Israelites?

Apply- By thanking God for His specific acts of mercy..

This Week- As a family, read Exodus 32.

Next Week-  Exodus 33-34, 40

Children’s Church- God Makes David King

Scripture-  2 Samuel 1-2

Principle-  God’s plan includes the death of the righteous and the wicked..

Ask Your Child- How did David react to the death of Saul and Jonathan?

Apply- by praying for the salvation of unbelievers.

This Week- As a family, read 2 Samuel 1-2

Next Week- 2 Samuel 7